A G Ratio Colon Cancer. Colon cancer is staged using the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) tumor/node/metastasis (TNM) classification and staging system. Most colon cancer is a type called adenocarcinoma.
Colorectal cancer - Epidemiology | BMJ Best Practice (Sara Fisher) In this system, stages are assigned on the basis of the characteristics of the primary tumor (T) and the extent of regional lymph node involvement (N). Cancer cells are found only in the epithelium or lamina propria, which are the top layers lining the inside of the colon or rectum. Colorectal cancer (CRC), also known as bowel cancer, colon cancer, or rectal cancer, is the development of cancer from the colon or rectum (parts of the large intestine).
Most colorectal cancers arise from adenomatous polyps.
Colon Cancer. "Adopting a diet that is low in fat and high in fiber, fruits, and vegetables does not influence the risk of recurrence of colorectal adenomas." Okay, so fiber isn't good for constipation and it causes all kinds of nasty, but not yet deadly problems.
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Colorectal cancer - Epidemiology | BMJ Best Practice
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Other modalities include chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, and local ablation. Patients with rectal cancers, multiple colon cancers, hereditary colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and second primary tumors as well as those Prognostic value of lymph node ratio and extramural vascular invasion on survival for patients undergoing curative colon cancer resection. Social & Emotional Impacts of Cancer.
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