Saturday, July 1, 2017

rectal cancer surgery recovery time

the next step in treatment after a patientis gone through surgery really depends on the size of the colon cancer or the tumor.the larger the tumor, the more likely someone is going to need to have further therapy,namely chemotherapy. if the tumor is a stage 1 colon cancer or a small tumor, all the patientneeds is a resection of their colon and they are cured from their disease. they can goon and now have their followups at defined intervals in the future. if the patient hasa bigger tumor or a stage 2 tumor or a cancer, then they may be a candidate for's a great area, whether or not to treat patients with stage 2 cancer with chemotherapyand there are a lot of risks and benefits of doing it. i personally use a test calledthe oncotype dx to determine if patients with

stage 2 colon cancer are going to get a benefitfrom being treated with chemotherapy and if they fall with a certain score on that test,then i will send him to the medical oncologist to talk about chemotherapy. if the patienthas stage 3 or a stage 3 tumor that means the tumor has gotten bigger in the colon,but then it's also spread to those lymph nodes that are in that curtain and if those lymphnodes are involved then the patient is definitely going to need chemotherapy because the riskof recurrence and the risk of spread is a lot higher. chemotherapy for colon cancercan last upwards to six months, however, the chemotherapy you get is not the chemotherapythat makes your hair fall out and gets you really sick. it's not a walk in the park,but it's not as bad as some of the other chemotherapy

regimens that are there and then stage 4 typicallychemotherapy has already been discussed before surgery whether to do it upfront or to doit afterwards, so the patient is usually pretty aware of what to do at that point. for an interactive tool to learn more aboutyour colon cancer and your personalized treatment options go to

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