Thursday, July 6, 2017

rectal cancer urinary incontinence

hi, i am qila. on this occation, i will talk about 5 common signs of cancer in men that you should to know. one of the best ways to fight the disease is to catch it in the early stages, when it’s more treatable. the problem is that the warning signs for many kinds of cancer can seem pretty mild. knowing the early 5 common signs of cancer in men can help you receive the best treatment before the disease becomes serious or even life threatening. cancer is among the most common causes of death in adult males in the world. while a healthy diet can lower the risk of developing certain cancers, other factors like genes can play a larger role.

knowing early signs of cancer can help you seek treatment sooner to better your chances of remission. and here are 5 common signs of cancer in men, include: 1. unusual coughing. the first common sign of cancer in men is unusual coughing. coughing isn’t something new to smokers or to people with a cold or allergies. if you don’t have any other related symptoms such as a stuffy nose or fever, the cough probably isn’t due to a virus or infection. in nonsmokers a nagging cough is almost never cancer.

coughing most go away after 3 to 4 weeks. if yours doesn’t, and you’re short of breath or cough up blood, don't delay a visit to your doctor especially if you smoke. a persistent cough that happen more than 4 weeks is the most common sign of lung cancer in men. your doctor can test mucus from your lungs to see if you have an infection. he may also give you a chest x-ray to check for another problem. to 2. urinary problems.

the second common sign of cancer in men is urinary problems. incontinence and other urinary problem may develop as you age. urinary problems is the most common sign of prostate cancer. the urethra-the tube that carries urine from your bladder and through your penis-passes through the middle of the prostate gland. when the prostate presses against the urethra, you can have trouble passing urine. you also might get urinary problems if the cancer has spread to areas around the prostate urethra and bladder. warning signs can include:needing to urinate urgently and needing to urinate more often than usual,this is becouse cancer can grow into the bladder

and the muscles that control urination. this can make them weaker and could mean you leak urine or need to urinate urgently especially at night. acute urine retention, this is when you suddenly and painfully can't urinate. trouble starting or stopping when you urinate, and leaking urine problem. this is becouse a prostate cancer tumour grow larger and pressing on the urethra partially blocking urine flow. if you have urinary problems it’s consistently difficult to urinate

or there’s blood in your urine or semen, or if you experience unexplained erectile dysfunction, see your doctor to check on the cause of the problem. he’ll give you an exam to look for an enlarged prostate, and he may talk to you about a blood test (called a psa test) for prostate cancer. these can be among the first signs of cancer of the bladder, kidneys or colon. it's a good idea to see your doctor for any bleeding that’s not normal, even if you don't have other symptoms. although you're more likely to have a problem that's not cancer,

like hemorrhoids or a urinary infection, it's important to find and treat the cause. to me 3. persistent back pain. the third common sign of cancer in men is persistent back pain. back pain is a common cause of disability, but few men realize that it may be a sign of cancer. signs of cancer may not show until it has spread to other parts of your body such as the bones of your spine. for example, prostate cancer is especially prone to spread to the bones

and may cause these symptoms within your hip bones and lower back. unlike occasional muscle pain, cancer of the bone causes tenderness and discomfort in your bones. if you have experience persistent back pain, see your doctor to find out the cause and get an evaluation right away. to lower 4. bowel problem. the fourth common sign of cancer in men is bowel problem. the occasional bowel problem is normal but changes in your bowels may indicate either colon or rectal cancer.

these are collectively called colorectal cancers. colon cancer can develop in any part of your colon while rectal cancer affects your rectum, which connects the colon to the anus. frequent diarrhea and constipation may also be signs of cancer particularly if these bowel changes come on suddenly. these problems also may occur with frequent gas and abdominal pain. a change in the caliber or size of your bowel movement may be a signs of cancer. seek your doctor as soon as posible to get better treatment. to lines

5. excessive fatigue. the last common sign of cancer in men is excessive fatigue. fatigue can be related to a number of chronic illnesses and medical disorders. excessive fatigue is your body’s way of telling you that something just isn’t right. everyone has low-energy days. however, if you feel tired every day for more than a month, or experience shortness of breath when you didn’t before, see a doctor. leukemia and lymphoma commonly cause persistent fatigue. but excessive fatigue also is a common signs of various cancers.

as cancer cells grow and reproduce, your body may start to feel run down. many types of cancer cause a bone deep tiredness that never gets better, no matter how much rest you get. it’s different from the exhaustion you feel after a hectic week or a lot of activity. if fatigue is affecting your daily life, talk to your doctor. he can help you find the cause and let you know if there are ways to treat it. see your doctor if you have excessive tiredness that doesn’t go away after a good night’s sleep. well, if you experience any of the following 5 common signs of cancer in men that i mentioned above you should not ignore it. it’s important to tell your health care provider to have them checked by your doctor.

so that the cause can be found and treated, if needed. being proactive can lead to earlier treatment and a better outlook. thank you for watching "5 common signs of cancer in men." early detection could save your life longer. subscribe for more videos. hope you feel better

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