Tuesday, May 23, 2017

colon and rectal cancer staging ajcc

the research in my laboratory focuses oninflammation and cancer specifically cancer of the esophagus can save thestomach contents of the cold and we look at chronic inflammatory conditions andhow bone marrow cells from the patient's bone marrow migrate to these areas ofinformation using inflammatory environment to hometo the area stay within the tissues and become the cancer initiating cell so why this is important clinically isbecause if we can identify the cell that initiates the cancer potentiallylethal identify markers on those cells

that allow us to target them fortherapies are collaborations include the clinicalgastroenterologist here u_-mass immemorial as well as the immunologygroup as well as the oncology group just looking from strictly a g_i_ perspective chances of the esophagus the stomachcolin can be found early and in some casesfounded a pre malignant stage and they can be prevented if we have patience that have barrett'sesophagus state budgets of screening procedures to pick them up in earlystage

if they have on history of inflammatorybowel disease there's screening for colon cancer and the population ingeneral needs to be screened for colon cancer beginning at about the age offifty but the colonoscopy unless it's a family history is so important to talkto your doctor talks your clinician about what's appropriate screening for ufor your age for u genetic background for your particular situation because finding something early can meanthe difference between life and death and finding something before it becomesan issue can prevent it funding from the cancerwalk is so incredibly important because

it allows us to take small ideas whichwayne may not be part of our main research focus and may not have otherfinding allowing us to do it and gives us the opportunity to pursuethese areas once we have small studies underway and small advances in the areawe can then go on to bigger agencies and get funding for a major projects itallows the community to get involved with our research here it allows them tounderstand what we do and also allows us to come back to the community withhopefully new and different approaches to malignancies

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