Wednesday, May 24, 2017

colon cancer herbal remedies

the colon is a very important organ in thedigestive system. its job is to take the water, salt, vitamins,and nutrients out of food that cannot be digested, break down food that was not digested in thesmall intestine, and remove solid waste from the body. before starting any colon cleansing treatment,ask your doctor for instructions, especially if you are taking any medications or sufferingfrom any health condition. 1. water the best thing you can do for colon cleansingis drink a lot of water.

it is important to drink at least 10 to 12glasses of water a day. this will help your body flush out the harmfultoxins and waste in a natural way. drinking a lot of water will also help thenatural peristaltic action, helping the food move through the digestive system. also, water is important to keep your bodywell hydrated. together with water you can drink fresh fruitand vegetable juices. 2. apple juice another great thing for colon cleansing isfresh apple juice.

if you drink apple juice all the time, itcan help bowel movements, break down toxins, and boost the health of the liver and thedigestive system. 3. lemon juice lemons are good for the digestive system becausethey have antioxidant properties and are full of vitamin c. for this reason, lemon juice is great forcolon cleansing. mix the juice of one lemon, a pinch of seasalt, and a little honey in a glass of lukewarm water.

drink this mixture in the morning on an emptystomach. this will give you more energy, better bowelmovement, and better skin condition. 4. raw vegetable juice for colon cleansing, it is important to keepaway from processed and cooked foods for one or two days. instead of eating solid foods, drink freshvegetable juice a few times a day. green vegetables are good because they havechlorophyll, which helps force toxins out of the body.

they also have vitamins, minerals, amino acids,and enzymes which will keep your body healthy, and give you energy. you can also drink herbal teas. 5. fiber-rich foods eating foods that are full of fiber will alsohelp cleanse the colon of bad toxins. fiber will keep the stool soft and help bowelmovement, which helps the body force out waste products. foods that are full of fiber will also getrid of any kind of intestinal problem.

you can add a lot of fiber to your diet byeating fresh fruits like raspberries, pears, and apples, and fresh vegetables like artichokes,peas, and broccoli. there is also a lot of fiber in cereals, wholegrains, nuts, beans and seeds. 6. yogurt eating fresh yogurt all the time is a goodway to keep the colon healthy. because yogurt is a probiotic food, it canbring good bacteria into the gut and help digestion. it can also fight inflammatory bowel disease.

this is especially true of yogurts that havelive and active cultures. 7. flaxseed because flaxseed is full of omega- 3 fattyacids, antioxidants, and natural fibers, adding it to your diet is a great way to cleanseyour colon. flaxseed will take in the water and then swellin the colon, and help force out toxins and mucus as the waste passes through. it can also block cancer, heart disease, anddiabetes. 8.

aloe vera aloe vera is known for killing toxins andacts as a laxative. this makes it a great colon cleanser. aloe vera gel can also treat other healthproblems, like headaches, skin infection, diarrhea, gastric pain, and constipation. add the juice of one lemon to fresh aloe veragel and put the mixture in the blender to make a few ounces of smooth juice. drink it a few times a day for a few days. 9.

ginger ginger is a common ingredient that can lessenbloating, help the colon work properly, and keep it free from waste and bad toxins. it helps digestion by making the digestivejuices flow. you can use ginger in any form, such as grated,as a juice, or as cut up pieces for colon cleansing: please subscribe to our channel and also shareit with your friends thank you:

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