Tuesday, May 30, 2017

colorectal cancer stage 3 chemotherapy

the patient sometimes ask me if all of thetreatment is worth it after a diagnosis of colon cancer, so let's take a moment and talkabout what will happen if you don't get treated. although early detection and treatment ofcolon cancer is highly curable, stage iv cancer is almost always lethal. before we have thenewer chemotherapy drugs in the natural course of the disease, we would quote a survivalrate of about to six to eight months for the patients with stage iv disease meaning cancerthat has spread to other organs if it went untreated. for an early stage patient whodoes not get treated meaning the tumor is detected in the colon it might be in the lymphnodes, but not in other organs yet, this time might depending on how aggressive the tumoris be extended to a year or two, but invariably

it is important for the patient to know thatit will become lethal. now, colon cancer is a very special case because it is so highlycurable if you treat it early on and the treatment is usually very well tolerated. the patientsin their 90s are able to undergo surgical resection with very good quality of life.there are support groups for the patient who will end up with a bag. there is informationabout chemotherapies and it is important to know that in the curative settings that meansstage ii and iii colon cancer where we give chemo only for six months. most of the sideeffects, if you are treated by experienced physician, will be gone within a few monthsto a couple of years. some rare side effects such as numbness or tingling caused by someof these chemotherapies occur if you take

them for too long and your physician doesnot pay attention and stop them in time. otherwise, the patient should have an excellent qualityof life after curative treatment for colorectal cancer, so it is very important to bring upyour concerns with your physician specifically tell him what you are concerned about anddiscuss the issues that i brought up. for an interactive tool to learn more aboutyour colon cancer and your personalized treatment options go to mycoloncancercoach.org.

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