Thursday, June 1, 2017

colorectal cancer staging symptoms

if you notice these symptoms, understand coloncancer and treat it â common gastrointestinal (gi) cancer in indiaincludes cancer of stomach cancer, food canal cancer, gallbladder cancer, colorectal cancer,liver and digestive gland. it is ranked third in the case of cancer deathsworldwide. know about its symptoms and treatment. colon cancerthe average age of this cancer is 60 years and it is more in men. lack of appetite, weight loss, fatigue andanemia are its main symptoms. bile gland cancerabdominal pain, weight loss or jaundice are

the main symptoms. this cancer is known very soon, so only 15to 20 per cent of patients save the possibility of surgery, which is also the only treatment. liver cancerit occurs in chronic disease of the liver or in cirrhosis. in this disease, some patients suffer fromlight pain, weight loss, early stomach upturn or lump in the upper part of the stomach. gall bladder cancerthis is especially for women who have stones in the gallbladder.

this is known later, when the metastasis inthe liver (the condition when the cancer spreads in other organs) starts with ascites (swellingof the tissues due to the accumulation of excessive water) and jaundice. some cases appear in the collagenastectomyfor the calculation of the calculus in the case of the globbler. its symptoms include lack of appetite, vomiting. colorectal cancerin this disease, there are symptoms like bleeding, stomachache, anemia, or disturbances in theintestines. stage & treatmentgi cancer address is usually done with the

help of radiology such as ct scan, mri. stage 1 and stage 2 mean local and early cancers,which are more likely to cure. stage 3 means advanced cancer, which meansit increases to the lymph nodes, but treatment is possible. stage 4 i.e. metastasisrole of surgery in the beginning, cancer can be treated onlywhen diagnosed with cancer, while in advanced cancer it can improve the quality of life. due to the development of chemotherapy andradiotherapy, some gi cancer cases have increased the possibility of treatment after surgery.

medical opiniondo not eat tobacco, keep weight in control. eat green vegetables and fruits. make regular checkups. symptoms of stomach cancer: the number ofcancer patients in the whole world is increasing day by day. this is a disease which is the reason whypeople are the most fat. however, now it is possible to treat it butit is necessary to know about it for the time being. in case of cancer, many go away because ofignorance and negligence.

when it is not treated at a time, it takesvery serious and it is not possible to diagnose it. there are many types of cancer. today we are giving you information about stomach cancer. stomach cancer is also called large intestinalcancer. it has problems like stomachache, vomiting. due to which this problem is considered lessand not taken care of. men are more likely to have cancer than women.

there are many types of cancer, the rise ofauntel on any part of the body is cancer. today we are talking about colon cancer. in stomach cancer, any stomach cell startsto grow abnormally. it occurs in the lower part of the digestivetract. the digestive system is the place where foodis digested and energy produces. this system also saves many essential substancesof the body. the stomach cancer starts from the insideand spreads outwards, this is why it is very difficult to ascertain how cancer spreadsinwardly.

symptoms of stomach cancer: - in the earlydays of stomach cancer the symptoms are not understood correctly. in this, you see the substance or the disorderthat normally ignores the people, because in stomach cancer, the person shows symptomssimilar to a normal stomach disease. if you are seeing any of the symptoms mentionedbelow, then you should contact the doctor without fear.  there is a black colored stool in it. vomiting after eating. digestion in the body is not right.

 diarrhea is also a problem.  blood often comes with stool.  there are problems like frequent jerk. tell you that the cancer in the stomach ismost likely to occur only after 50 to 60 years of age. cancer is found in most of the people whohave consumed more alcohol and cigarettes than they are. its common symptoms are: -1. always be in pain in the stomach.

2. weakness and tiredness very quickly. 3. become a member of animia. 4. fast weight loss etc. note: cancer is a great treatment for a largeextent in ayurveda. the person suffering from this disease lacksblood in the body. the decrease in weight of the day every dayis also indicative of the signs of appetite

or without eating anything without stomach. all these symptoms tell you the sign of cancer.|

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