Wednesday, June 14, 2017

rectal cancer diet after surgery

ty bollinger: so let me ask you this dr. j. if you werediagnosed with colon cancer, let’s say, what would youdo? dr. david jockers: well, i will tell you,i mean this does hit home. i didn’t talk about this in the beginningbut early on in my practice i was 28-years-oldand all of a sudden i had this big red spot on my nose right here. and the cancer actually that my grandfatherhad was a melanoma, a metastatic melanoma, so a skin cancer. and so i knew i was susceptible to somethingalong those lines.

i grew up surfing on the beach. so i’ve had alot of intense sun exposure, probably been burnt way more than i would naturally recommendjust really because i didn’t know any better. and so i knew i was susceptible and at thatperiod of time in my life i was living, number one, with a lot of fear. i had just opened a business. i was in a tremendous amount of debt. ihad a lot of people counting on me.

there was lots of—you know when you runa business there’s confrontation. there’s all different types of issues andyou know, my nutrition wasn’t excellent. it was great. i would say it was a lot better than most people. it wasn’t excellent. there was a lot of things in my life thatwere issues. and so i looked at myself in the mirror andi could see exactly what was developing. and i knew enough toknow that that was not normal.

and certainly i could have gone to a dermatologistor somebody for a more advanced diagnosis of it but i really didn’tneed that. to me it was a wakeup call. and i think really for all of uswe’ve got to have eyes to see and ears to hear in our own life because ultimately ifwe’re living in a way that’s just not beneficial to us and the people aroundus there’s going to be wakeup calls. and i just took inventory ofwhere i was in my life and i realized that fear was my dominating thought—fear of failure,fear of letting people down, and i knew i needed to work on myselfmentally, emotionally, spiritually.

i looked at my nutrition. irealized, you know what. there was probably way too many carbohydratesin there than there should be. okay. and so i took out the carbohydrates and wentketo—ketogenic. i was over training. i was actuallyexercising too much. so i really focused on rest, really, reallyresting my body well because i was in a state ofadrenal fatigue.

and so i really needed to rest effectively. and i just took inventory of all the differentareas in my life sort of doing more detox, really trying to detoxifymy liver, utilizing some different supplements, some differentadvanced strategies. in a matter of two months it completely wentaway. and so to me it was just—it wasreally just a message that, hey, my body can heal itself. i just need to line up with the right principles. andcertainly, i wouldn’t say i was in an advanced

state of cancer but i was looking at somethingthat had the potential to kill me. and you know, by just heeding that warning,taking inventory of my life, really getting itunder check i was able to heal myself naturally. and so i would take the same approach. you know, i wouldjust look at myself and say what areas of my are out of sync with natural order andwhat do i need to get in check? then i would seek out people with great knowledge,people that share a similar philosophy when

it comes tothe health—your health and the health of the body as you. so i’d seek out expert opinions. i would research. obviously, there’s a lot of great websitelike yours ty where you can find a lot of information. you have afantastic book where you can find all kinds of great information out there so you canstart applying these strategies because clearly i had a littlebit of an advantage being a doctor working

in this field, i knew where ineeded to go to find what i needed. and so if you’re out there and this is thefirst time you’ve ever heard this i would highly recommend seeking out the experts,for example, that are on this panel as well as getting thebooks, going to the websites that you need to, getting the information you need, findingpeople that share a similar philosophy, starting to apply eithernutrition plans, the supplements, the different advanced strategies,whatever you’re able to do and whatever just feels right in your spirit to do andyou know, you do have hope. imean there are answers.

there are natural answers. and you know, there’s a lot of people thatare getting well naturally and you can be one of them.

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