let me tell you, recovery. my thirties area blur because of all the pain. that was nothing in the colon. you know we talk about the painand then the mental anguish. it was actually after the chemos done and after the surgery,that is when you get down to the physical realities, you are not the same person anymore.i was the person who used to like to weight lift. i was the person that played basketball everyday. i have not done that since i was diagnosed and probably a year before,i was diagnosed. so, the hardest thing about that is you are just not physically the sameperson and that physical pain for me really came out in umbilical hernias. i liked togolf, i can't golf anymore but i did right after having chemo, i am going to go livemy life the same way as i did. well, it don't
work out that way, so basically i would, igo golf, boom i had a hernia. now, you got to go through the whole major surgery of ahernia, put the mesh in. you think you are good, you pop out your of your car and, -oh-hernia. so, i had three hernia surgeries in the five years after the surgery. so, almostevery other year, i was having a major surgery of my umbilical part. so that was probablyfor me the hardest part because all the pain that goes with that. no pain of chemo, nopain of cancer was really like that, just living with that, that hernia all the timeand living with all, and not knowing that that was the problem too because that cameout later, oh you have a hernia. oh, i don't know that, you know i can explain why i havea splitting headache and my belly hurts and
my chest hurts, you know and then i guesswe will say one last thing is am i a hypochondriac. so, the worse thing that ever can happen toa hypochondriac is getting cancer because now it just face all the crazy thoughts, youhave in your brain about what you, oh my god my chest, you know. you know, i mean i dohave one, i apologize, i have one story about this thing is kind of important during thechemotherapy, you are a special person in the medical eyes and when i had a, we havejust bought the football package and i am first time taking care of my baby boy andmy wife is going to go to the store and she is only going to be back in an hour. you know,just in hour we are going to run the store. i have got the football package and i wantto wash the browns, i am excited, i am doing
the laundry, i jump up some stairs, i didn'ttime it right, i split open my toe, i mean i split it open. so now, i have got a splitopen toe, blood is going everywhere, i have got a little baby, a little baby and i amsitting on the bed, you know, wrapped in. you know my toe is wrapped in blood, justcalm in baby is there and i am just like. so two and a hours past, my wife still hasnot returned and this is before the age of, we really did not have lot of cell phonesand you know, she may have had on her, i don't know and finally, i had to call my sister-in-lawand i said, come over here, i split my toe open and as my sister-in-law shows up, i wavedto my wife because she showed up, i have got my foot out the door, literally just out thedoor because to keep it up and i go to the
hospital where i spent 12 hours in the hospitalbecause they did not know what to do with it. they got to contact the doctor; they gotto contact your oncologist. you know they are worried about you getting an infectionthere because you are in chemotherapy, because your immune system is down. so, you actuallyput in a special area, if you are put away from everybody else, quarantined if you will,but there you don't get the simplest of services. so, that was a tough night because all i wantedto do is watch football and you know hang out with my baby boy, but that was kind offor people who know that when they go to the hospital for an infection or something likethat, they are going to be treated better probably, but differently.
for an interactive tool to learn more aboutyour colon cancer and your personalized treatment options, go to mycoloncancercoach.org.
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