Wednesday, June 28, 2017

rectal cancer staging learning radiology

hepatic artery infusion pump chemotherapy is a new program that we are opening at sunnybrook and the odette cancer centre it involves the implantation of a pump that looks like this, into just below the skin level in patients with cancer of the colon and rectum that has spread to the liver and cannot be removed. essentially, it allows us to put chemotherapy directly into the pump and in so doing, pump the chemotherapy straight into the liver and therefore it allows a much a higher dose of chemotherapy to get these cancers in the liver.

one of the unique things about the program is how multidisciplinary it is, and what i mean by that is, it's critically important that we have expertise from surgeons like myself, from medical oncologists to manage chemotherapy both through the pump and through the vein, from our nurses in the odette cancer centre to help educate patients and monitor them carefully from nuclear medicine doctors who check that the chemotherapy that's given through the pump, is only going to the liver, and from interventional radiologists and other radiologists who

will help us check about the response of the tumours to the chemotherapy and to deal with any problems that might arise with the arteries. and if we're able to treat the liver better with chemotherapy, we believe that we'll be able to prolong life in these patients many, many years, and in even in some patients, we may be able to get the tumours to become smaller so that we can then remove them, and even cure some patients with this.

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