Friday, June 16, 2017

rectal cancer how do you get it

i'm clive barlow i'm from lythm in saint annes,i'm a retired hr manager. i was diagnosed in 2003 with bowel cancer. for some reasoni happened to notice blood in my stool one day when i went to the toilet. i kept thatto myself but then it continued and it had gone on for a couple more weeks then i didspoke to my wife and through the conversations it's one of those things i guess men are abit like that in terms of 'oh it'll go away, it'll sort itself out' but with a bit of persistenceand nagging she said i think you'd better go and get it checked out. at that time youdon't want to think that it's cancer because that happens to everybody else and not yourself.when you have that conversation and the consultant tells you that caught it in the early stagesand it hasn't spread anywhere else on reflection

you have to look back and say that that discussionthat happened with my wife really saved my life. certainly going through the experiencei've gone through, i can highly recommend to go and see the doctor. the early diagnosisof my cancer has led me on to have another wonderful 9 years and hopefully more yearsto come in the future.

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