Tuesday, June 20, 2017

rectal cancer lung metastasis treatment

cyramza is a prescription medication usedto treat advanced gastric cancer or gastro-esophageal junction adenocarcinoma. it is used to treataggressive non small cell lung cancer. cyramza is also approved to treat metastatic colorectalcancer when used in combination with a certain chemotherapy regimen. cyramza belongs to a group of drugs calledvascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (vegfr2) antagonists. these work by stoppingthe formation of blood vessels that bring oxygen and nutrients to tumors. this may slowthe growth and spread of tumors. this medication comes in an injectable formto be given directly into a vein (iv) as an infusion every 2 or 3 weeks by a healthcareprofessional.

common side effects include an increase inblood pressure and diarrhea.

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