Friday, June 9, 2017

rectal cancer 10 year survival rate

so early stage of colon cancer isactually has a high five year survival when we talkabout five-year survival rates you know that's the timeframe weconsider people to be you know potentially cured of theirmalignancy five-year survival rates for stage one colon cancer are very high,ninety-plus percent and for the rest of the stages as you go down ittends to drop for five-year survival on the order of10 to 15 percent per stage as you kind of go down

on the treatment line so this is one ofthose cancers that is much better if you find it early and obviously as we hadn't spoken alittle bit about before with screening if you can screen for this and if youcan find a polyp before it turns into a malignancy it's preventable so you know this iskinda a no brainer so to speak from an oncologist standpoint everyoneshould be going for their quick screening colonoscopies

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