Saturday, June 10, 2017

rectal cancer alternative treatment

prostate cancer treatment research foundationincreasing knowledge - building hope radiation treatment for prostate cancer cancreate unwanted side effects. i'd like to show you a revolutionary new technologycalled spaceoar hydrogel. this product dramatically reduces the effects of radiation on normalrectal tissue adjacent to the prostate during radiation treatments for prostate cancer.the challenge in treating prostate cancer with radiation therapy is that the prostateand rectum sit directly next to each other, so the rectum inevitably receives unwantedradiation. so a conceptually simple yet ingenious solution is to place a water based gel inbetween the prostate and rectum to create a space, or buffer zone, that pushes the rectumout of the way while the prostate is being

treated with radiation.spaceoar hydrogel can increase the natural space between the prostate and rectum from2 mm to over a centimeter. in a large randomized trial carried out in the us, we found thatplacement of the gel resulted in a 75% reduction in high dose radiation to the rectum whichthen translated into a 70% reduction in clinical rectal side effects. prostate cancer treatment research foundation

Drop 5lb of belly fat in 3 day [1-2lbs PER DAY!]

What if I told you there is one simple tweak you can implement today that will force your body to get rid of stubborn, unwanted belly fat everyday for the rest of your life... Would you be interested in that? Good news is...

You can literally lose 1-2lbs of belly fat every single day with this!

This is a new diet “trick” from a european doctor that can help you lose 1-2 lbs of belly fat per day! So...

Check It Out Here And Lose 5lbs 

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