Saturday, June 3, 2017

home remedies for intestinal cancer

how baking soda helps cancer patients sodium bicarbonate better known as baking soda has been used for decades as a first line of defense against every kind of acidic health problem including cancer naturally the question remains is there any proof that baking soda is a defense against cancer or any other chronic disease history has much to

teach us about natural health care in a booklet titled arm & hammer baking soda medical uses published in 1924 dr. bowl nia's chaney explains his clinical successes in using sodium bicarbonate to treat both the common cold and blue his comments are actually quite remarkable in nineteen eighteen and nineteen nineteen while fighting the flu with the

us public health service it was brought to my attention that rarely anyone who had been thoroughly alkalinize with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease and those who did contract it if alkalinize early would invariably have mild attacks sodium bicarbonate has been and still is used to make the urine less acidic this helps the kidneys get rid of

uric acid and is used medically to prevent gout and kidney stones even athletes use sodium bicarbonate to improve endurance in fact cells that have enough bicarbonate consume more energy at rest so they are better able to transport glucose and lactate can baking soda help cancer patients heal naturally dr. mark patchell of the

university of arizona cancer center is going to use a two million dollars dollar grant from the national institutes of health to study the effectiveness of soda as a treatment for breast cancer this is a clinical trial on the use of oral baking soda for breast cancer the grant was awarded because of the cancer

research that dr. robert jay scheel and colleagues have already successfully demonstrated with the pre treatment of mice using baking soda to alkalize the area around cancer tumors they have shown that sodium bicarbonate increases tumor ph inhibits spontaneous metastasis and reduces the rate of lymph node involvement in mice with breast cancer

and the news gets even better baking soda has been shown to suppress malignancies treat the acid alkaline access by balancing a ph of cells and tissues and increases cell voltage by increasing oxygenation baking soda prevent cells from turning cancers and returns malignant cells to a healthy state sodium bicarbonate has been

recommended for weak cancer patients in a few days of treatment with sodium bicarbonate the cells in the muscles perform better how does baking soda prevent cellular damage the ph level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our body chronic over acidity corrodes body tissue and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular

activities and functions in other words over acidity interferes with life itself it is one of the root causes of cancer every cell in the body requires oxygen to survive and maintain optimum health the lower the ph the less oxygen is available for the cells this is shown when acid rain changes lakes the fish suffocate because the lake binds up all

the available oxygen the oxygen is there but is no longer available and if you raise the lakes oxygen the lake will spring back to life how does alkalinity help to prevent disease keeping our ph within a healthy range also involves necessary lifestyle and dietary changes that will protect us over the long term the use of sodium bicarbonate will give

us a jump start toward increased alkalinity in essence sodium bicarbonate could be considered a natural medicine and ought to be respected keep in mind if our ph goes far above or below the acceptable range our risk for disease goes way up drinking bicarbonate of soda dissolved in water has long been used to relieve the signs and symptoms of

arthritis indigestion heartburn and infection among other maladies traditionally sodium bicarbonate has been used as an antacid did you know that we produce our own bicarbonate thanks to the work of our pancreas bicarbonate neutralize acids coming from the stomach to make the environment right for pancreatic enzymes to be

effective a word of caution before using baking soda one of the precautions in using sodium bicarbonate is its sodium content and it is thus advised for patients with high blood pressure to refrain from taking it sodium bicarbonate along with citrate and phosphate salts do not raise blood pressure to the extent that so

table salt is refined salt containing about 97 to 99 percent sodium chloride we know for a fact that processed table salt is raise blood pressure and only those sensitive to it but obviously hypertension is caused by much more than just the use of table salt a study on mineral water containing sodium bicarbonate confirm the absence of any

effect on elderly individuals blood pressure but as usual consult with a trusted healthcare provider to discover the safest way to use sodium bicarbonate based on individual needs

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