Friday, June 30, 2017

rectal cancer staging symptoms

every time the patient is diagnosed with coloncancer the question is i am going to survive this? so let's take a moment and talk aboutthe probability of cure of this disease. using multimodality treatment meaning combinationof surgery with or without radiation and chemotherapy, we have significantly improved the outcomesand survival of patients with colon cancer through all stages from i to iv. unfortunately,whether a patient will be cured or not is still determined at the stage they were diagnosedwith. the more advance the tumor, the lower the likelihood of cure. stage i tumor thathas not even penetrated through the wall of the colon, can expected to be cured in 93%or more of percent of the time. once the tumor starts to grow through the wall, things becomemore complicated because it's not only the

size of the tumor at that point, but alsohow aggressive it is, what are the different biologies, and there is a lot of researchin trying to determine today, the risk groups and the genetic factors that determine howaggressive the tumor is. but for now we have to go about what we have and this is the sizeof the tumor and whether lymph nodes are involved or other organs are involved. so, a stageii tumor which would mean a tumor through the wall but in the lymph nodes yet can expectto be cured in anywhere between the 75% to 85% of the time and this is because, thereare small tumor cells that have already left that we might not see originally so the tumorwas at higher stage or it's a just more aggressive tumor. in stage iii disease meaning the tumorhas spread to the lymph nodes already, unfortunately

these numbers dropped significantly stageiiic meaning more than seven lymph nodes or very advanced primary tumor, the cure ratesdrop to 40% to 44% rate if you look at the patient populations. in stage iv disease,the five year survival rate is quoted as around 8% which means there is a subset that stillmight be cured using optimal treatment. all of these numbers are historical and we hopethat in 2013 combining chemotherapy in early stage disease, we might be able to achievebetter results.

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