Wednesday, June 7, 2017

home remedies to cure colon cancer

an alternative treatment for cancer has cometo light after various studies have found that it is able to effectively inhibit coloncancer. coconut oil has been touted for a very longtime as a natural cure-all and an effective alternative to pharmaceutical treatments andmedication. although it has had years of traditional medicinaluse and anecdotes to back up its efficacy, there has been very little scientific researchconducted on it. however, new research has shown that coconutoil is a potential alternative to typical colon cancer treatment. according to one study conducted by adelaideuniversity of australia, researchers found

that lauric acid, a saturated fat that isone of the main components of coconut oil, was able to destroy 93% of colon cancer cellsthat it was tested on over a 48-hour period. both in vitro (in a petri dish) and in vivo(in rats) studies have been conducted on the efficacy of lauric acid on cancer cells orhyperplasia, and each one provided equal results. these preliminary studies give promising resultsthat warrant further research into how lauric acid, whether extracted or from whole coconutoil, will affect cancer cells in living humans, especially since some studies suggest thatmedium chain fatty acids might increase the risk of colorectal cancer. coconut oil has also been found to have benefitsthat exceed its cancer-killing properties,

as multiple clinical studies conducted bythe american nutrition association have shown. according to the studies, the fats found incoconut oil “can be useful in the curing and prevention of conditions like diabetes,osteoporosis, viral diseases (mononucleosis, hepatitis c, herpes etc.), biliary tract diseases,chron’s disease, and cancer.” many people believe that, despite coconutoil’s various beneficial properties, it’s health benefits have been downplayed by bigcorporations. according to ty bollinger, a proponent ofalternative medicine and host of the truth about cancer, food manufacturers had a largepart in this. “in the 1960’s, food manufacturers wantedconsumers to buy their margarines and hydrogenated

oils,” bollinger writes. “to do that, they had to ‘discredit’the products people had always used in their homes to prepare their food.” bollinger goes on to explain how it was, infact, coconut oil’s “replacements” that were causing all of the health problems thatcompanies were accusing coconut oil of causing. “it is the very goods the food manufacturershad been pushing on their consumers for thirty years,” bollinger writes. “the trans-fats contained in these ‘fakefoods’ were incredibly dangerous to your entire body.

high fat, high sugar, and high carb dietswere put under the microscope and found guilty.” although coconut oil’s health propertiesare often questioned due to its high-fat content, the type of fat that it is made up of hasled most experts to disregard this sentiment, and its use as an alternative treatment tocancer is still being studied. disclaimer: please consult a physician beforebeginning any treatment program or making any adjustment to your health care, diet,and/or lifestyle. do not remove yourself from any prescribedmedications or treatments without consulting your doctor. any and all dietary supplements or nutritionalproducts and treatments discussed on this

site are not intended to diagnose, treat,prevent, or cure any disease. the information contained in this site isfor general information and for educational purposes only.

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