Tuesday, June 6, 2017

home remedies of colorectal cancer

i was 43 years old when i was diagnosed withstage 2 colon cancer. i am married, i have four children and at the time, they rangefrom 16 to 7 years old. this was the last thing i expected. i am a police officer, iam relatively good health. i never had any problems, i never was really sick with anythingother than flu, but i noticed that i had a cold that cleared up, but my cough stayedwith me. i wanted to get checked out. the first thing i had done was a chest x-ray whichshowed that i was clear, my lungs were clear, i had no problems in my chest. my doctor recommendedthat he draw some blood, at that time, he drew blood and he recommended that i go homeand he will wait for the results of that blood test. well, a day later, he called me backup on the telephone, i was actually on the

golf course golfing and he said i needed tocome back because he believed the lab made a mistake that there was no way possible thatthis was my blood work. i knew being in law enforcement, being around hospitals, beingaround blood draws that something bad was happening. it was very rare that that wouldhappen in the lab. i felt that i thought. after i went back the following day, drewblood a second time, within three hours, my doctor called me up and said, i needed tocome back and needed to talk to him. first thing he said when he walked in the examiningroom was that this could be something very minor or something very serious. he thoughtit probably was an ulcer and i told him that i was not stressed out, i did not feel that,you know, an ulcer, i had an ulcer that this

would cause bleeding. he said, i was highlyanemic and that something was going on and he needed to get further test, a battery oftests done. he recommended an endoscopy. he thought it was an ulcer. he thought that wouldprobably show that what the problem was. we set it up about a week later, i went for theendoscopy and that was clear. the gi doctor that went for the endoscopy said well, itis not anything down, you know, your throat, your stomach area. he recommended we do acolonoscopy. at that point, i became highly concerned. i still didn't feel that...i stillnot think it was cancer at the time, you never believe or think when you have cancer. i neverbelieved that it would be cancer, but i knew that something was going on. i was 43 yearsold and i knew that my blood work should not

be so out of line. so i went in for the colonoscopy,i had the colonoscopy, the doctor came back in the room and he calmly said to me thathe had found a tumor in my right ascending colon. at that time and that point, i justcould not believe it. my wife was in the room with me, i just looked at her, she lookedat me, i was 43 years old, i did not know how to act, i was shocked. he told me he hadscheduled a cat scan for me the following day and i had to go get a cat scan. he wantedto find out how far long the tumor was, if it had, i guess invaded other organs. theworst thing i did when i went home is that i obviously started, quite like a lot of otherpeople, i got on the internet and started reviewing colon cancer, read about the stagesof colon cancer and absolutely, for a lack

of better terms, freaked out, i became, iwas highly scared, i was, could not believe it that i had cancer. for an interactive tool to learn more aboutyour colon cancer and your personalized treatment options, go to mycoloncancercoach.org.

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