Saturday, June 3, 2017

home remedies for colon cancer

this is the best way to clean your colonat home how to make a bowel cleansing detox? the colon is an essential organ and very activein the large intestine. in its composition there are toxins and substanceschemical that can be harmful. so it's not a surprise that the 50years, colon cancer is a concern real among physicians. because of this, make a bowel cleansingit is very important to eliminate toxins and hazardous chemicals. therefore, it is important to know how to keepits clean and healthy colon.

so, we brought a recipe of how to makeone detox naturally in the gut. the best way to maintain a healthy colonit is to maintain a high fiber diet. it is recommended to eat 20 to 35 gramsfibers. most people do not even consumehalf of your daily needs. as a result, the food can get stuckin the gut wall. this leaves the person tired and slower becauseintestinal toxins may be affecting the remaining body functions. fortunately, it was discovered that a drink cancleanse the colon and leave the cleaned intestine and renovated.

it is a drink made with apples, flaxand seeds of chia, among other ingredients. apples contain soluble and insoluble fiber,both responsible for keeping the movements intestinal and help cleanse the colon. flaxseed helps fight developmentof cancer cells and eliminate existing cells. this is due to the antioxidants contained inlinseed. chia also contains essential for fiberthis operation. besides containing phosphorus that aids in healingcells and tissues. so how does this detox drink?

too easy! before making and consuming the drink rememberdrink plenty of water, as excess drink fibers can cause constipation. ingredients 1 apple1 tablespoon of chia seeds soup 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed1 tablespoon of honey 1 cup water how to make 1.

remove the apple seeds and cut into pieces,leaving the shell. 2. place all ingredients in blender,with the exception of chia seeds and mix good. 3. finally, add the seeds of chialet it sit for a period 5-10 minutes. 4. after this period, stir the mixture and drink.

it is recommended to drink this drink twiceday, morning and night for two weeks. while performing the bowel cleansing,avoid consuming sugar, alcohol and red meat. you have difficulty incorporating fibersto your diet? how about trying this recipe? prove the recipe and check the results! enjoy this video? if you like the video, short, signthe channel and share with your friends.

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1 comment:

  1. six years ago I experienced dark urine and ribs pain so I went to the hospital for treatment and I was diagnosed with Herpes. The doctor gave me antiretroviral drugs to slow down the viral load which later worsens the ailment because the drugs weren’t effective and I was so scared because they say it has no cure, out of frustration I told my friend about it and luckily he told me he once battled same problem in the past but he was saved by Dr okosun, an african herbalist and He gave me his contact and i reached him and began the treatment and i was tested negative after four weeks of taking his liquid herbal medicine.


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